The Birth Prep Course

Enroll Today!

Motherhood is a wild adventure, starting now. Are you ready?

This class is for ALL PREGNANT WOMEN, regardless of what stage of pregnancy you are in.  It is for women who want to be as prepared for birth as possible, including knowing what the do’s and don’ts are, how to prevent injury, speed recovery, and feel empowered and in control during their experience.

Nervous About Vaginal Delivery...

What positions are best for delivery? How do I manage the pain? What is bladder prolapse? How do I get that baby OUT?!

What can or can't I do anymore?

Why can't you sleep on your back and why is the left side best? Are situps allowed? Can I still run and bike? Can I still orgasm safely?

What the heck is perineal stretching or diastasis recti?

This course will give you clarity on all the medical jargon and guide you through everything you need to be prepared for pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.

 Birth Prep Course


Feel confident knowing you are preparing for pregnancy and delivery with the best guidance from a Pelvic Floor Specialist.



Avoid common pregnancy injuries like pubic symphysis pain. Decrease your chance of c-section and/or perineal tearing. 



Custom exercise program to stay strong and flexible throughout pregnancy. Understand what is safe and what to avoid in your own activities.



Motherhood is full of unknowns. This course will teach you how to best heal and recover postpartum so you can be strong and pain-free mama.

Sign me up!

I learned so much about pelvic prolapse that I didn't fully understand prior to the class. I also learned about reverse kegels and perineal massage to help me prepare for labor. These are all things that were never discussed with me at my prenatal appointments, but I feel they are so, so important and it feels great to have actual exercises that I can do at home to feel more confident going into labor.

- Momma to Be

I have been loving the exercises that Kaeli gave me to not only feel my best during my last few weeks of pregnancy but also help me prepare for labor. Even preparing for postpartum has felt less scary. I would recommend the Birth Body Class to anyone who might feel a little lost regarding pelvic floor health (like I did!) and is interested in expanding their knowledge about exercises that can be done during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum to feel the most prepared.

- Katrine, 34

I am a fish out of water and it really helps to know that there are things I can do to help my body have an easier time over these next few months (and beyond). I so appreciate the discussions on posture, sleeping positions, shoe insert advice, log rolling, bladder control, how to properly do kegels (and understand why they are important), and especially the exercises at the end! I have avoided the squatty potty for years, thinking it was silly, but now I think I will just go for it, haha. 

— 23 Weeks Pregnant

Kaeli was an amazing instructor. So easy going, informative, and helpful with an uplifting and positive attitude! I left the class feeling empowered about my pregnancy journey and I felt much more prepared for actual birth.

- 3rd Trimester Mother

Start NOW

This is not your average “advice on the internet from mom’s” kind of class. This curriculum is based on the latest research on how to keep you comfortable and injury- free during pregnancy. You will also learn how to manage pain during delivery, and how to decrease your risk of c-section, decrease change of tearing, decrease chance of NICU stay and postpartum depression. Learn how to recover better and faster. 

What's Included?

  • Lifetime Access to the online modules and videos.
  • A copy of the PowerPoint Slides is included with space for you to take notes. 
  • BONUSES: Birth Body Checklist, Pelvic Organ Prolapse Guide, Birth Affirmations, Mindfulness Resources, etc. 
  • One private birth prep call with Dr. Beckham
Lifetime access to online course


Pregnancy Guides:
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Guide
Birth Prep Checklist
Third Trimester Stretching Guide
Guided Exercise Program for Pregnancy
Mindfulness Resources:
Printable birth Affirmations
Guided Mindfulness For Pregnancy and Delivery


Membership to the Kegel Community: community for all questions related to pregnancy
Enroll Now

Avoid injury.

Stay strong and fit.

Feel confident and empowered. 

Recover better, faster, stronger!



Includes the latest research on how to improve your pregnancy and delivery, including decreasing chance of c-sections, decreasing chance of NICU stays, and decreasing perineal tearing.


Yes, I need this course

Hi, I'm Kaeli Beckham, Doctor Physical Therapy and Pelvic Health Specialist. After years of teaching this course in person, I finally decided to make it possible for women all over the world to get this valuable information. I wanted to give lifetime access to the material so they can digest the material at your own pace and on your own timeline. You can re-watch as many times as you like, and you can even use it again for your second pregnancy!

My mission is  to empower women everywhere with pelvic floor health information that can help them live happier, healthier, and more confident lives. I want all women to know their bodies and to feel free to discuss pelvic health with others without shame or embarrassment. I dream of a world in which women can talk about sex, pelvic health, and reproduction with open, honest, and informed dialogue!

Enroll Today!

Small One-Time Investment


  • Lifetime access to online course: ($300 value)
  • Birth Body Checklist: ($65 value)
  • Printable Birth Affirmations: (65$ value)
  • Third Trimester Stretching Guide ($65 value)
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse Guide ($65 value)
  • Guided Mindfulness For Pregnancy and Delivery: ($65 value)
  • Guided Exercise Program for Pregnancy ($89 value)
  • Confidence that you are prepping for delivery and recovery with the tools and support you need (priceless) 


Total Value=$714



Prehab for Delivery

Most women do not have easy access to Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, and so they arent able to do “prehab” for pregnancy. This is pretty wild when you think about how demanding pregnancy and delivery is on the body!  This class will allow you to access this super important information from the comfort of your own home!

Intimate Topics

In our society we often don’t talk about bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction, yet pelvic health is SO important during this time as your bodies are changing drastically. Women are often embarrassed to talk about these topics. This class will answer all the questions you have and more, and you can explore discreetly.

Bad Habits 

Many times we only talk about pelvic health with family members. Your mom learned what she knew from her mom and so on and so forth. This is a recipe for a game of telephone gone wrong- everyone has the best intentions, but false information can get passed down from generation to generation. Break the cycle here with evidence based information you can count on!